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仁科辰夫教授 最終講義 2023.3.17 米沢キャンパス中示A


堤怜介,加藤正治,小坂哲夫,好田正紀 ,電子情報通信学会論文誌 Vol.J89-D No.2, pp. 305-313(2006).


 ,東北地理学会 季刊地理学53-3,p.207-210(2001).

"Conducitivity Enhancement of Polyaniline" 2nd Singapore International Chemical Congerence(SICC-II),Abstract,(2001) (at Singapore)招待講演

Noriyuki Kuramoto ,Singapore International Chemical Congerence(2001).

"Low Cost Manufacturing Compatible Organic Semiconductor Materials"International Microelectronics and Packaging Society(IMAPS):Advanced Technology Workshop on Printing an Intelligent Future,Abstract,(2002) (at Nevada)招待講演

Noriyuki Kuramoto ,Advanced Technology Workshop on Printing an Intelligent Future(2002).

"Preparation of Processable Optically Active Polyaniline" 12th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers(FCFP-XII),Abstract,pp312-313(2002) (at Lanzhou)招待講演

Noriyuki Kuramoto ,International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers(2002).

"Preparation and Application of Polyaniline Metal Complex" International Symposium on Biotechnology, Metal Complexs and Catalysis(BMC),Abstract(2002) (at Haikou)招待講演

Noriyuki Kuramoto ,International Symposium on Biotechnology, Metal Complexs and Catalysis(2002).

"Preparation and Application of Polyaniline Metal Complex" International Symposium on Biotechnology, Metal Complexs and Catalysis(BMC),Abstract(2002) (at Haikou)招待講演

Noriyuki Kuramoto ,International Symposium on Biotechnology, Metal Complexs and Catalysis(2002).

"Preparation and Characaterization of Polyaniline-TiO2 Composite Film " 10th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers(FCFP-X),Abstract,pp312-313(2000) (at Jinan)招待講演及び座長(文部省国際研究集会派遣)

Noriyuki Kuramoto ,International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers(2000).

"Effect of Titanium Dioxide on the Conductivity of Polyaniline" 9th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers(FCFP-IX),J. Mol.Sci.、pp312-313(1999) (at Haikou)招待講演及び座長(文部省国際研究集会派遣

Noriyuki Kuramoto ,International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers(1999).

Conductivity of Polyaniline and Water-Soluble Polymer Composite" 2nd International Symposium on High-tech Polymers and Polymeric Complexes(HPPC-II),Preprint,pp58-59(1999) (at Zhengzhou Univ.)招待講演,(文部省国際研究集会派遣)

Noriyuki Kuramoto ,International Symposium on High-tech Polymers and Polymeric Complexes(1999).

Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposite Film" 8th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers(FCFP-VIII),Preprint, pp155-156(1998) (at Shanxi Univ.)招待講演,(文部省国際研究集会派遣)

Noriyuki Kuramoto ,International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers(1998).

Electrical and Mechanical Applications of Polyaniline" 7th International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers(FCFP-VII),Preprint, pp121-122(1997) (at Hebei Univ.) 招待講演,(文部省国際研究集会派遣)

Noriyuki Kuramoto ,International Symposium on Fine Chemistry and Functional Polymers(1997).

(招待講演) パルサー磁気圏における一般相対論的電磁気学と粒子加速



山形県羽黒町 ,山形県羽黒町(2002).

講演記録・アンドレ・プルム教授/ディマンド・ギャランティ-の自律性--手形と の比較分析--(下)


講演記録・アンドレ・プルム教授/ディマンド・ギャランティ-の自律性--手形と の比較分析--(上)





浅井武、奈迫光男他 ,日本航空宇宙学会第28期講演会講演論文集、日本航空宇宙学会(1997).



符号理論その固有の問題および他の分野に関連した2,3の問題,1997日本数学会春期総会 代数学部門 特別講演

 , (1997).





