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仁科辰夫教授 最終講義 2023.3.17 米沢キャンパス中示A


■ 山形大学図書館へ

図書館トップ 中央図書館 医学部分館 工学部分館 農学部分館 現在時刻:2024/04/19 9:13:51
160Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division
166Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana. Ser.2, AInstituto Bot・nico da Universidad de Coimbra
168Pulp and paper magazine of Canada
226ASAE standards : standards, enginnering practices and data adopted by the American Society of Agricultural EngineersAmerican Society of Agricultural Engineers
271Journal of dairy science
323Pulp and paper Canada
378Schweizerische Zeitschrift f氿r das Forstwesen
387Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Canada
1531Bauingenieur : Zeitschrift f氿r das gesamte Bauwesen
1532Bauzeitung : Fachzeitschrift f氿r das gesamte Bauwesen
1632Mem・rias da Sociedade Broteriana
1659Der Wasserwirtschaft : Zeitschrift f氿r das gesamte Wasserwesen
1661Wochenblatt f氿r Papierfabrikation : organ des Akademischen Papieringenieur-Vereins e V. an der TH Darmstadt
1669Le G・nie civil : revue g・n・rale hebdomadaire des industries fran都aises et ・trangers
1740Soil and foundation
1743Mededeelingen van de landbouwhoogeschool en van de daaraan verbonden instituten
1815Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
1854Edaphologia日本土壌動物研究会 [編]
2213Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions : physical chemistry & chemical physics
2217Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and TechnologyU.S. Department of Commerce. National Institute of Standards and Technology
2219Natural product updatesRoyal Society of Chemistry
2271Industrial and engineering chemistry. Fundamentals
2292Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton transactions : inorganic chemistry
2293Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions 1Chemical Society
2320IEE Proceedings. Part F, Communications, radar and signal processingInstitution of Electrical Engineer
2377Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards
2659IEE proceedings. Part F, Radar and signal processing
2663IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Fundamental theory and applications
2685IEE proceedings. Radar, sonar and navigation
2707IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences
2723秩父小野田研究報告 : Chichibu Onoda kenky匀 h凬koku秩父小野田株式会社中央研究所[編]
2742Honda R & D technical review
3283Computer Today
3459Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards. Sect. A, Physics and chemistry
3483Transactions of the Faraday Society
3559Physics todayAmerican Institute of Physics
3613Annual report of Tokyo Noko DaigakuTokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
3646Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des s・ances de l'acad・mie des sciences. S・r. A. et B, Sciences math・matiques [et]
3658Headache : Official publication of the American Association for the Study of Headache
3705Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton transactions : inorganic chemistry
4050Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions 2
4162Regelungstechnik und Prozess-Datenverarbeitung
4223Archiv f氿r das Eisenh氿ttenwesen
4265Wear. Usure. Verschleiss : An international journal on fundamentals of friction, lubrication, wear, and their
4333東北大学反応化学研究所報告 : Tohoku Daigaku Hanno Kagaku Kenkyusho hokoku東北大学反応化学研究所
4368日本大学生産工学部研究報告. B, 文系 : Nihon Daigaku Seisankogakubu kenkyu hokoku. B, Bunkei日本大学生産工学部 [編]
4798Chromosomes today : proceedings of the ... Oxford Chromosome Conference, ...
4799Ciba Foundation study groups
4814Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des s・ances de l'acad・mie des sciences. S・r. A. et B, Sciences math・matiques [et]
4815Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des s・ances de l'acad・mie des sciences. S・r. C, Sciences chimiques
4816Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des S・ances de l'acad・mie des sciences. S・r. D, Sciences naturelles
4818Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des s・ances et m・moires de la soci・t・ de biologie et de ses filiales
4849Deutsche Zeitschrift f氿r Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten
4853Developments in biological standardizationInternational Association of Microbiological Socie
5044Research and clinical studies in headache
5071Standard methods of clinical chemistryThe American Association of Clinical Chemists
5089Tuberkulose und Ihre Grenzgebiete in Einzeldarstellungen
5097Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft f氿r Verdauungs- und StoffwechselkrankheitenVorstandes herausgegeben von dem generalsekret槢r d
5169Arbeiten aus dem Anatomischen Institut der Kaiserlich-Japanischen Universit槢t zu Sendai
5215Psychology today
5217Report of the Noda Institute for Scientific ResearchNoda Institute for Scientific Research
5226Waksman Foundation of Japan Inc
5258Ciba Foundation symposium. N.S
5807World meetings : outside United States and Canada
5808World meetings. US and Canada
6411Surgery today : The Japanese journal of surgeryThe Japan Surgical Society
6737American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation
6811Human reproduction update
6938Nurse education today
6980Immunology today
6999Parasitology today
7012Immunology today-Reference ed.
7190The medical bulletin : Ryoichi Naito Foundation for Medical Research内藤医学研究振興財団
7747Hypertension today
8012Physics todayAmerican Institute of Physics
8021Symposia series in immunobiological standardizationInternational Association of Microbiological Socie
8055Advances and technical standards in neurosurgery
8157Nursing today日本看護協会出版会
8255Recent statistical data book of intractable diseases in Japanedited by Yutaka Inaba ... [et al]
8330Parasitology today-Reference ed.
8381J.M.E.F. : Japan Medical Education Foundation医学教育振興財団
8435Drug discovery today
8441Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews
8461Molecular medicine today
8633Ryudai review of language & literature琉球大学法文学部
12236Database forumデータベース・フォーラム編集委員会
12381Computer today
12890Daily mail year book
12893English studies today : Lectures and Paper Read at the ... Conference of the International Association of Prof
12903Higher education and research in the Netherlands : bulletin of the Netherlands Universities Foundation for International Co-operation
12923Ottagono : Rivista trimestrale di architettura arredamento industrial design
12953Antarctic meteorological data : Obtained through the Japanese antarctic research expedition
12972Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des s・ances de l'acad・mie des sciences
12977Fundamentals of paleontology : a Manual for Paleontologist Geologists of the USSR
13032Transactions of the Faraday Society
13051Boletim da sociedade brasileira de matematicaSociedade Brasileira de Matematica
13064Abhandlungen zur Philosophie, Psychologie und P槢dagogik
13137Dalloz jurisprudence g・n・rale
13143Discussions of the Faraday Society : to promote the study of electrochemistry, electrometallurgy, chemical phy
13167Foundations of language : international journal of language and philosophy
13373Memoirs of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. IV, Science reports : studies of fundamental and environmental sciences
13566Physics todayAmerican Institute of Physics
13575Recueil hebdomadaire de jurisprudence en mati・re civile, commerciale, criminalle, administrative et de droit p
13584Radioactivity survey data in JapanNational Institute of Radiological Sciences
13585Recueil Dalloz de doctrine de jurisprudence et de l・gislation
13586Recueil Dalloz et recueil Sirey
13587Recueils Dalloz et Sirey
13588Recueil Dalloz de doctorine de jurisprudence et de l・gislation
13609Science reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku. Sect. ATokyo Bunrika Daigaku
13610Science reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku. Sect. C
13622Today's education. The journal of the national education associationNational Education Association of the United State
13623Today's Japan
13627Tsuda review : studies in English literature and philologyTsuda College
13674Annual report of Tokyo Noko DaigakuTokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
13879Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des s・ances de l'Acad・mie des sciences. S・r. A. et B, Sciences math・matiques [et] sciences physiques
13880Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des s・ances de l'acad・mie des sciences. S・r. C, Sciences chimiques
13881Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des S・ances de l'acad・mie des sciences. S・r. D, Sciences naturelles
13882Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'academie des sciences. Supplemint aux series A-B-C-D
13894Faraday discussions of the Chemical SocietyRoyal Society of Chemistry
13978Kodai mathematical journal
13979Kodai mathematical seminar reports
14074Science reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku. Sect. B, Zoology, botanyZoological Institute Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku
14075Science reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku. Sect. B
14076Science reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku. Sect. C, Geology, mineralogy, geography
14182Philologus : Zeitschrift f氿r das Klassische AlterthumZentralinstitut f氿r Alte Geschichte und Arch槢ologi
14214Lekture-das Aktuelle Litteratur-Magazin
14247Nuclear data sheets
14248Nuclear data. Sect. B, a journal devoted to compilations and evaluations of experimental and theoretical resul
14249Nuclear data current sheets. Sect. B
14262Today's education. Elementary edition
14263Today's education. General editionNational Education Association of the United State
14420Anais da Academia Brasileira de CienciasAcademia Brasileira de Ciencias
14427Atomic data and nuclear data tables
14445Bolet・n de la Sociedad Matem・tica Mexicana. Ser. 2
14490Canadian public policy : a journal for the Discussion of Social and Economic Policy in Canada
14532Didaktik der Mathematik
14581Fundamenta mathematicaePolska Akademia Nauk
14594Indagationes mathematicae. New seriesKoninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen
14600Goltdammer's Archiv f氿r Strafrecht
14617Indagationes mathematicaeKoninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen
14691Dalton : an international journal of inorganic chemistry
14692Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions 1Chemical Society
14693Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions 2
14778JOPERD : the journal of physical education, recreation & dance
14799Das Kunstwerk
14810Marxism todayCommunist Party
14839Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada
14920P槢dagogikAkademie der P槢dagogischen Wissenschaften der D.D.
14921P槢dagogische Rundschau : Monatsschrift f氿r Erziehung und Unterricht
15011Recueil Dalloz
15114Urban history review. National Museum of Man. National Museum of Canada
15124Lectures on mathematics and physics, mathematics(異誌名:Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,Lectures on・・・・・)
15125Solidarit・ sant・ : ・tudes statistiquesMinist・re des affaires sociales et de la solidarit・ nationale
15149Zeitschrift f氿r P槢dagogik
15183Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Canada
15218Jahrbuch des 櫢ffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart. Neue Folge : das 櫢ffentliche Recht der Gegenwart
15233Burda international
15287American journal on mental retardation : AJMR
15546Das Parlament : die Woche im BundeshausBundeszentrale f氿r Politische Bildung
15560Le Monde. S・lection hebdomadaire
15561NEA today : a newspaper for members of the National Education Association
15595Financial Post of Canada
15718Aerological data of JapanCentral Meteorological Observatory
15770Ulrich's UpdateR.R. Bowker Company. Serials Bibliography Dept.
15906Revista geogr・fica : publicacion trimestral de la Sociedad Geografica de Cuba
15919P槢dagogik und Schulalltag
16247JARE data reportsJapanese Antarctic Research Expedition
16317Beitr槢ge zur P槢dagogik
16321Neue politische Literatur : Berichte 氿ber das internationale Schrifttum
16475Focus : das moderne Nachrichtenmagazin
17270The Anti-Gallican, or standard of British loyalty, religion and liberty
17311The City jackdaw
17315The Dark blue
17319The Dublin Saturday magazine
17344Golden hours : a magazine for Sunday reading
17431The Saturday magazine
17443To-day : a monthly gathering of bold thoughts
17538Bolet・n de la Sociedad Matem・tica Mexicana. Tercera serie
17721Rehabilitation services for people with mental retardation in Japanthe Japan League for the Mentally Retarded
17791Japan's ODA
17997Parasitology today
18239To-day. New series : the monthly magazine of scientific socialism
18586Transition report updateEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development
18750Experimental astronomy : an international journal on astronomical instrumentation and data analysis
18751Korean literature todaythe Korean Culture and Arts Foundation
18793Boletim de geoci・ncias da Petrobr・s
19155JARE data reports. SeismologyJapanese Antarctic Research Expedition
19412Economics today
19683NIPR arctic data reportsNational Institute of Polar Research
19685JARE data reports. MeteorologyJapanese Antarctic Research Expedition
19704JARE data reports. Marine BiologyJapanese Antarctic Research Expedition
19719JARE data reports. Upper atmosphere physicsJapanese Antarctic Research Expedition
19730日本大学生産工学部研究報告. A, 理工系 : Nihon Daigaku Seisan Kogakubu kenkyu hokoku. A, Rik・kei
19731日本大学生産工学部研究報告. B, 文系 : Nihon Daigaku Seisankogakubu kenkyu hokoku. B, Bunkei日本大学生産工学部 [編]
19747Personnel and guidance journalAmerican Personnel and Guidance Association
19802Journal of the Chemical Society. Dalton transactions : inorganic chemistry
19940Trends in immunology : (F/C) Immunology today
19943Trends in parasitology : (F/C) Parasitology today
19952Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science